Monday, December 31, 2018

phone call to your parent

Why daily phone call to your parent is important?
My father calls me every day at around 9 pm.
One fine day, just for a change, I called him a bit earlier at around 8:30 pm.
Mom took the call and we talked for few minutes. Then I asked:

Me: Where is Dad?
Mom: He has just returned from office and is getting fresh. Wait. I am calling him.
Me: No, he must be hungry then. You both have your dinner first, then I will call you again after an hour.
Mom: No, He never eats before talking to you all.

I couldn't reply for few seconds.  I was amazed. This is their love towards me.
Sometimes, all what our parents need is to listen to our voices. We can never understand how lonely they feel without us. They have to celebrate most of the festivals without us. Our presence is the only thing which can make them happy. But, we are not there with them (because of various reasons). It makes them sad but they don't make us realise that.

So, this is the least possible thing we can do to make them happy.

For all my friends who stay away from their parents in another city because of job/studies Talk to them daily (And don't wait for them to call us every time. Sometimes, you can also call and feel that happiness in their voices)

Saturday, December 29, 2018

WhatsApp Msgs

Who are lizards?
Awesome answer
by a kid....
They are
those poor crocodiles who forgot to have
Horlicks when they were young
What is a Pizza..?
Awesome answer:
A Pizza.. is just a oothappam that went
for higher education
What's the best example of "once in a
lifetime opportunity?
A mosquito sitting on your wife's face.:😛
A little boy was in a bus
eating a chocolate, then he took another one and then another ...

A man next to him said,
"Do you know that too much of it will damage your teeth??"

The boy replied,
"My grandfather lived for 132 years"
The man asked ,
"Was it because of eating chocolate?"

The boy replied,
No, he was always minding his own business!


Son: Dad there's a small get together at school tomorrow !!!
Father: small get together.? small
Son: only principal ...

Digital India effect...

The young boy was suffering from loose motion. He hesitated to say the word loose motion to the doctor. So he explained in new generation style.

Doctor.. since morning..  unlimited free outgoing, New ringtones have also started.
No balance in my stomach.
If I recharge, within one minute balance becomes nil. Doc can u pls disconnect the offer!! 😳🙊😀😜

Keep smiling and have a great day 👍😊😊

Sunday, December 23, 2018


Corporate Message

Once a man goes to a shop to buy parrot. He asks the shop owner price of the Parrot:

Shop owner: RS. 500
Customer: Why so costly?
Shop owner: He knows Word, Excel and Power Point

Customer: What's the price of this second Parrot?
Shop owner:  RS. 1000 as it knows Word, Excel, Power Point and also Programming

Customer: how nice, and what's the price of this parrot which is sleeping?
Shop owner: That's for RS. 5000
Customer: And what does it know?
Shop owner: That I don't know, I haven't seen him do anything, but the other two parrots call him boss.


Monday, December 17, 2018

Friday, December 14, 2018

Mysore throat?

The manager received a leave application from a staff member:
" Due to Madras Eye I am unable to attend office for 3 days"

After a few days the same staff sent the follg leave letter:
" Due to Mysore Throat I am unable to attend office for 2 days"

Manager was totally  baffled. Madras eye is well-known.....But what is Mysore throat?

He google searched but no use.

He was eagerly waiting for the staff to come and clarify.
The staff laughed and said:
" Sorry Sir, it is 'My sore throat'. A space was omitted"